List of Qualified U16 Athletes Eligible to Register for PA CUP 3, 4, and 5 Races

Hello, Para Directors and Program Directors

Blue Mountain Resort PA Cup Races (PA Cup 3, 4, 5) are now open for registration. All U18-U21 PARA athletes are welcome. 

We also invite qualified U16 racers based on last year's PARA state team selection. I have attached the list of those U16 athletes who wish to compete in the PA U16 Finals race series held at Blue Mountain. 

Please review the list and let those U16 athletes in your club know that they may register for these PA Cup races. 

Any U16 athlete who registers and is NOT on the list will have their registration canceled and have their race fees refunded.

Qualified U16 PA Cup 3,4,5

January 7, 2025